
Friday 14 April 2017

Chapter 63

Next morning while Terri was getting me ready for the day ahead, my pop arrived... his face was fixed as he entered my room. "what?"
he raised his hand, "wait a minute ok?"
Terri looked at me and I sent the signal for me to be alone with my pop, she made her excuses and left.
"So give pop, what's with the look?"
my pop shook his head, and looked to the floor, his mouth was set in a firm line. for the second time I asked, "are you gonna tell me?"
"Jon, I-?" he stopped, my patience was being tested... I tried to keep my voice matter of fact and hide the rising anger... "What?"
"Before I say anything, have the boys spoke with you? "
"yeah, what of it?"
"what have they said?"
my mind was racing as I did not want my pop to know about what Doc had done with the money, but something inside me, told me this is why he was looking so serious.
"never mind pop, just tell me what's on your mind"
my pop paced the floor, "this is hard.... your mom said I should leave it for the time being, but... shit..."
"what the fuck, will you just out with it... stop playing this nancy game for the love of god"
" The money, its gone..."
"what money? "
"All of it son"
"no, just the royalties is what the guys said?"
"If only, its much worse than that, Jon, when I say its gone I mean every fucking penny, there's nothing left."
"what? you're saying all my money has gone?"
"how, the guys said Doc had stitched them up, but mine was safe in a deposit account, how can all that be gone?"
"That's what we are trying to figure, we don't know. Byron is looking into it with the deposit bank now..."
my heart was racing, I was sure my pop had the facts wrong, how can money that was safely in a deposit account disappear?
"I don't get and how come you know and I don't, its my account? I thought there was protection on these things?"
There is, Dot, tried getting money out to pay a few bills and buy something for the baby, she had her card declined, so she tried at the bank and they retained the card and told her your account was empty. she was upset, and didn't want to come to you so she came to me and your mom"
"Jon, calm down please, I'll sort this ok, he wont get away with it..."
as I was shouting my brain was trying to recall all the shady assholes that Doc dealt with, but there was so many, the only name my brain kept repeating to me was Manny Dunling.
I turned to my pop, "listen, go check out a guy called Manny Dunling, right, he was Doc's right hand for years, I'm sure that bastard is involved somehow," I paused, "no wait, get my Dr, I'm coming with you, I've had enough of being the patient boy, my family needs me and I'm gonna be there from now on."
"But your not well enough yet, don't stress this your mom, dot and me will sort it, and I'll get the guys onto it too.."
"NO...enough already pop, stop trying to run everything ok, this is my fucking mess, I have to deal with it... please just go get Doc ok?"
my pop raised his hand for the second time and walked out the door to find my Dr, while I shuffled to finish dressing and rinse my mouth of the acrid taste that had been burning my throat for the last thirty minutes. looking at the reflection in the mirror, I felt the over whelming urge to hurl, running the faucet, I cupped my hands and lifted them to my lips and drank the cool water in large sips, and with water dripping from my chin I again looked at the reflection staring back at me. I pointed my finger and spoke, ""see you, yes you, your gonna be strong and go beat the shit outta that arsehole and get every fucking cent that conning bastard has taken from you. You are a Bongiovi and you take no shit from no-body"
I'd just finished giving myself a pep talk when my room door opened and Doc and my pop were there.
"you wanted to see me Jon, what can I do for you?"
"Yeah, Doc I need you to sign my release papers, I cant explain why, but you have to understand its urgent and I need to go, what's happened I need to sort, ok?"
She looked at me her face set hard, "I don't think that's a good idea right now..."
"no what, as far as you are concerned, no time is ever gonna be good, listen to me Doc, ok, I NEED TO GO..." I took a deep breath as I spoke more calmly, " look, my family need me, ok, give me whatever drugs you need me to take, and I'll do it, but please sign my release papers... you know
 I would not ask if there was any other way..."
Doc stood looking at me, she said nothing, then she turned to the door and looking back she said, I'll arrange it and come back to see you, but no this, I am doing this against my better judgement, and I pray you will be ok."
She walked out the door and as it closed I got my pop to lift my packing case from the closet and set about packing up my things, my pop had been quiet, and as I threw things into the bag he asked,  " you sure you know what your doing son?"
I looked at him, a smile breaking my lips, "yeah, pop for the first time in what feels like forever this is one hundred per cent the right thing to do. "

Sunday 1 May 2016

Chapter 62

"Gone what you fucking mean its gone?"
the guys all exchanged glances to each other, then Rich spoke...
"we don't know how, but its gone, we have had lawyers working on it twenty four seven, and he stiffed us, the contract is watertight, and cause you is the only one he signed to manage there's nothing any of us can do...."
"that low down fucking lying piece of cow shit... 3 fucking years.... "
"Jon calm down man, its only money, we can make more when your fit enough..."
"Calm down, fuck calm down Rich, I aint getting stiffed by some fuck ass wipe like Doc McGhee... I'll sue the bastard for everything he has...."
"Jon, the contract is watertight."
"what the fuck you on Rich... there are always get out clauses?"
Rich looked down and shuffled his feet, "not when he's sacked there aint."
I looked at Rich like he had lost his mind... "what the fuck do you mean sacked, I aint sacked him, he was arrested for drugs right?"
"What the fuck does kinda mean, will someone please for the love of god tell me what the fuck is going on?"
Again the glances passed to each other, "will you all stop fucking doing that?  Dave went to explain but rich held up his hand and again took the lead.
"Ok, sit down though already..."
I was not happy being told what to do, but I sat anyways. "Ok I'm sat and tell me..."
Rich perched his butt on the window ledge and began.
"thing is the night you were admitted to hospital, your mom and pa and us were with you at the hospital none of us knew if you would live or die, your ma asked me what had gone down and I told her what had taken place, your pop listened too and then the shit hit the fan when Doc walked into the hospital arrogant and smoking his cigar... he was all smiles... your pop beat his ass and cutting a long story short both me and your ma fired him. "
"You what?"
"Fired him"
"What the fuck Rich, why did you do that?"
rich was getting pissed, "its like I told you, ok?, we were all worried about you Jon, we didn't know if you would live or die, so why the fuck would we be happy to have an arrogant ass like Doc pacing the hallways being his fuck off asswipe self, he was the reason you were in ER man... Jesus wake up and smell the coffee..."
rich started to pace the room, Teek and Dave spoke up too, "Jon, there's no right and wrong ok man, Rich and your folks did good..."
I snapped, "did they? how you figure that Dave, eh? I am broke... I've worked my ass off for three years to find out I'm fucking broke, I have a family to support and I'm broke, but that's ok, because you all safe guarded my professional integrity..."
Rich spun on his heels and squared up close to me in the face..."
"you arrogant little prick, professional integrity my fat arse, it was YOUR LIFE, ok YOUR know, I don't know anyone that has the loyalty of each other blood kin or not, we all cared about you and took the lead, and ok we are broke but we can move on and make more money, so fuck you for beating up on us for doing the right thing, you should be fucking kissing our feet not ass whipping us... Doc is the fuck here, so do us a favour Jon, direct it at the person responsible not US! " with his last word he turned and walked out of my room, the guys all followed him. I was sat alone pissed and mad with no one to bounce it off...

I waited hoping against all hope the guys would come back, but I was clearly wrong, I had pissed them off as much as they had pissed me off, I rang my call bell and decided to call my ma and pa and speak with them.
The phone was wheeled in, I dialled the number, my ma answered , "hello"
"Ma its Jon,"
"I know who it is, you ok?"
"no, I've got some questions Ma..."
"Questions what kinda questions?"
"about the night I was admitted to hospital,  Doc McGee..."
I sensed my ma had stiffened up by her response...
"Umm what of it?"
"can you tell me what happened?"
"what you wanna know about that night for?"
"Ma please, just tell me..."
"what do you wanna know?"
"what happened when Doc arrived at the hospital, what exactly happened?"
"ok, but tell me why do you wanna know?"
"because ma, its important.."
"he showed up, a totally self absorbed little prick... Rich told us what had happened to you when we got to the hospital, so when he turned up... lets just say things got ugly..."
"in what way ugly ma?"
"look it don't matter does it, your pa, Rich and me sorted it..."
"Yeah?, you think?"
"what's with the attitude Jon...."
"The attitude, ma you have cost me my royalties.... I'm fucking broke because of you and Rich and pop, that's what's with the attitude...."
"I'm sorry, why are we to blame exactly..."
my temper was raging, my ma and her pussy foot story, was really jacking me off and although I knew I was outta line I could not stop myself..."
I was in full flow when my pops voice came on the phone,
I stopped and listened... I tried to calm my voice to speak to my pop, "I'm sorry pop, but I'm broke, I've got a family now and nothing to support them with..."
"Jon, you have money, I took care of it, you have plenty in your bank to see you through, so what's your beef, and maybe you should have asked first eh before  sending flying accusations... Jeez sometimes between you and your ma I'm surprised I'm still able to function."
I was stunned, and stammered down the receiver, "but the guys have been to see me, they have told me the money is all gone nothing left..."
"Have they?, well they have been taken care of too, I guess Rich forgot with the stress of everything, but all is good ok?"
lamely I replied, "Ok, thanks"
but I still needed to know one thing... "Pop, did you beat Doc up and fire him?"
there was silence at the end of the line, finally he spoke, "I wouldn't say beat him exactly... more knock him out.... your ma and Rich fired him... is that all? cause I wanna get back to the game... and Jon... you need to apologise to your ma..."
"Ok, pop, put her on..."
my ma's attitude was evident as she spoke... "what you ready for round two now? cause honestly I'm a little tired from all of this..."
"no ma, I wanted to say sorry..."
"what was that? I must have misheard or something, I'm sure I heard the word sorry? but my eldest don't say sorry?"
"Ok, Ok knock it off ma, I am sorry...."
"So you should be, Jon you really need to hold that temper of yours, you may not fight physically but your tongue is cutting son and hurts more.... so stop and think ok?"
"yeah ok, I'll try..."
"no don't try Jon, do it, and if you spoke to the guys that way time to start on your knees and beg or forgiveness... don't ya think?"
"yeah its good ma I'll sort it..."
"ok, well good night then..."
I hung up the receiver, I was full of remorse for my outburst with Richie and the guys, and my folks but I justified to myself, I had good reason.... first thing tomorrow I would make contact with Rich and the guys and make it right, the fact we had money was gonna be my bargaining tool to get them back on side... For now I was shattered and as I swung my legs into bed in next to no time I was sound asleep.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Chapter 61

The elation of being a pop lasted way after all the visitors and D and my baby had all gone home. I felt weak and tired but exhilarated all at the same time, and it seemed every few minutes the congratulations train pulled into the station and more messages passed through my room door.
When Dr called in too see me and perform simple obs she was smiling too.
"What? Cause your a pop your the only one that can smile?"
I held my hand up in protest, "not at all, its nice to see you smile, you should do it more often it suits you..."
"Sarcasm is not your strong point Jon, can I suggest you don't indulge in it?"
"hey, I wasn't being sarcastic, I was being honest...."
Doc paused and looked at me, as slowly the smile disappeared. "What you mean?"
"just that, well I get your job is serious, but your face lights up when you smile and its a real nice change from the serious Doc face..."
she sat on the edge of my bed. "truth is Jon, I am dealing with patients facing the possibility of death, I need to be focused, and how would it look to my patients If I went around smiling all day? huh?"
"maybe that you had hope for them? like you did for me?"
She rose from the bed, and finished writing on my chart, "Thank you for your comments Jon, but Ill stick to being a Doc, and you stick to being a rock star and we will get on just fine ok?"
It was clear I had pissed her off, though that was not my intention, all I wanted was to give her praise, which had totally back fired... as she was reaching the door, I tried in one last vein of hope to turn her visit around, "thank you again Doc, for delivering my daughter, for being there for me and my family...." I paused, she smiled again and her face softened, "You are very welcome, it was my pleasure, and congratulations again...."
this time I smiled as she asked, "have you thought of a name yet?"
"Yeah kinda, couple of idea's mulling around but nothing we can both agree on..." then it hit me, so I asked, "Doc can I ask what's your first name?"
She smiled again as she answered, "Stephanie Rose, my mom wanted me to have a double name, not a first and second like most kids, so she called me Stephanie Rose, its a mouthful, but you get used to it. I hated it when I was in school, but I guess as we get older our mind-set changes, and now, well I like it..."
"Doc that's a beautiful name, thank you for sharing it with me..."
"Well you did ask..." she giggled as she walked back to the door way, as she opened it, she gave one last smile as she left.
I just kept repeating her name over and over, "Stephanie Rose, Stephanie Rose," then I added " Stephanie Rose Bongiovi..." I liked it, really liked it, knowing D as well as I did I knew she would love it too.... when she visited I was gonna run through my idea of the name.
then there came a knock, before the door was pushed wide, and Sambora and the boys were back,
"hey hey hey, its papa Bongiovi....."
Rich came over and we palm hugged, the others filtered in behind, they had cold six packs, balloons and pennants to hang up round my room... Dave started hanging the decorations, while Tico opened a can and sat on the window ledge and head back took a deep gulp of the amber liquid flowing down his throat, his sigh of joy after told me it tasted good... he looked over  with a look of guilt on his face, "sorry bro, no offense but you gotta wet the babies head...." he raised the can towards me as he took another drink... Rich had oved to the chair and after giving Dave instructions on how to put up the pennants Rich asked the same question as the doc had... "so what are you gonna name your little princess?"
I didn't wanna share my thoughts with the guys until I had spoke to D, so gave them names that were herrings... "yeah, Diana May, Olivia Sara, Georgia Marie, we just don't know... anyways you guys aint all come over to talk baby names have ya? what's up?" All three of them held each others gaze, but Rich was the one that spoke, "Thing is, when your fixed real good, and there's no rush, we wanna go back out of the road again, but its your band and ultimately your call, we wanna know what you think?"
"Right and what's brought all this to a head you have to ask me now?"
again that look between them that told me something was going down....
"What?, shit you guys are freakin me out, what's with you all?"
Rich spoke again, "thing is, we have been asked if we wanna go join a band, you know keep us working.... and we thought given alls you have gone through and now with the baby an all, well nothing is clear...."
Wait a god damn minute, I am out of action for a while and you guys are looking to ditch and go some place else?"
"this time Dave spoke, "no, its not like that Jon, and its fair to say its been more than a while, and hey we aint blaming you, but we are musicians you know, we came on the jovi ride, and its  been a blast, but we aint earning right now, and well, bills have gotta be paid right?"
"your broke?, but we toured for two years? where's the cash? we should all be good to live well for years off the back of that tour?"
I was getting more and more pissed as the looks kept passing between them....
"Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?"
Rich spoke again, "Doc MgGhee, Jon, he, well..."
"Well what?"
"he stiffed us man, we got very little from that tour, its gone, man all gone..."

Monday 28 December 2015

Chapter 60

I slept well considering, I should have been nervous about the court case, but I wasn't I was more concerned about D and the pending arrival of our baby... Terri had delivered my breakfast some time ago and which I finished up just as D arrived. as she walked in and Smiling, nervously she said "Good Morning " reaching my bedside she lent in to plant a kiss on my cheek.
"what's with you D, you look scared to death?"
"Nothing... I'm good, you?"
D was distant and it was strange, " What's up?"
she smiled again nervously as she sat on the guest chair that had been brought in for her to sit on.
"Nothing honestly, I'm good..." she sat and fiddled with her scarf ends and looked down and avoided my eye contact.
I knew she was hiding something, "Bullshit Dot, now tell me?"
she jumped and looked at me, studying my face. "Please don't shout at me, I'm not an employee Jon, I'm your wife..."
I pulled back the covers and moved my my legs so they hung over the side of the bed, seeing tears in her eye's I reached out and took her hands and softened my voice.
"I'm sorry babe, but this is so not like you, what's wrong, please tell me?"
"Nothing,... really it's nothing..."
"ok, so if that's true why are you acting like this?, now just quit and tell me the truth please... c'mon I beg you, I love you...D?"
I felt a tear drop onto my hand, and she sniffed deeply, " It's just that..."
"its what...?"
she remained quiet trying to control the tears that were brimming and causing her throat to clog so she couldn't speak.
"Babe? you ok?"
that was the last straw as she grabbed on to me and sobbed as if her heart was breaking, big sobs racked through her body, as she clung to me so tight. I said nothing just made soothing sounds until her tears subsided and finally she could to talk again.
she pulled back, sniffing badly, handing her a Kleenex, she blew her nose and wiped her eye's then holding my gaze she took a deep breath and started again.
"It's just that I've been subpoenaed to attend court too."
"What?, why you had nothing to do with anything? what the fuck?"
"The police came to see me two days ago, Doc Magee has named me as giving consent for him to provide medical assistance for you while on tour if our medical didn't cover the costs"
"that's bullshit, my medical cover was adequate enough, did you ever sign anything? "
" that's it Jon, I don't know, I just honest to god don't know"
she looked down and again the tears fell, "babe, please you need to think, did he give you anything to sign?"
she sniffed loudly again, in between her sniffing she replied, "I don't think so, but I cant be sure, that was two years ago. a lot has happened since then...that's why I'm scared..."
I took her hands again, "there's no need to be baby, really, he's just trying it on, we had medical and you won't have been the person to agree that stuff anyway it would have been me, so its ok really?"
D wasn't listening, she pulled her hand away quickly and grabbed her stomach and yelped in pain.
seconds later a pool of water rushed onto the floor.  her eye's looked at me, fright and calm at the same time. Now gasping for air she started panting. "Jon, get help, now, the baby... who whoo ...its coming...."
I sat for a second then pressed my call bell, Terri wandered in, she saw D clutching her stomach and ran off to get assistance, in seconds my Dr came in to my room, together with a chair,  I felt panic as I asked, "Have you called an ambulance?"
my Dr laughed at me, I felt pissed and let her know it "what this aint no fucking laughing matter, she needs to get to hospital?"
"Jon," her hand rested on my shoulder, there's no ambulance called, because there is no time, your baby is on its way, were moving Dot to another room." then smiling at me she said" it looks as if your gonna have your wish, you will be present at the birth of your baby after all. Ill send Terri in with a gown and mask and then have you brought down ok?"
with that she left and took D with her, I felt totally shell shocked, as Terri returned with the gown and mask, helping me gown up she ordered me to sit in my nemesis and wheeled me at doubled speed to the room where D was, my Doc was there supervising and ordering D to breathe in and out, gas and air had been given and in between panting she sucked hard on the mouth piece. Terri wheeled me next to D, and I took her hand, I felt totally useless as I watched my beautiful wife, scream out in pain and push our baby further and further into the world, sweat beaded on her brow, as she sucked another shot of gas and air into her lungs, then screwed her eye's tight as she pushed with all her might, her nails dug deep into my hand, but I said nothing and just whispered words of encouragement. "C'mon baby, just a little more..." she looked at me then at Doc who was monitoring everything, "you doing great D, now I need you to take another shot of air and give me one last push, Baby is nearly here... ok, 1,2,3, ready?" D sucked again on the air and gas and then pushed so hard her nails dug into my hand so bad my hand bled, I stood, and watched over her as she screamed out one last time, then the most beautiful sound filled the room, the cries of our baby, who was here. releasing her grip on my hand I looked at her, and lent forward and kissed her damp forehead... "you've done it baby, we have a ?"
Doc looked at me, "Its a girl..."
looking back at D, tears filled my eye's, " we have a baby girl, D, we have a daughter..." D looked exhausted but happy as she finally rested her head back on the pillow. Our eye's met together as our love was cemented in unity, and now being parents.
"Jon, do you wanna to the cutting?"
I looked at the Doc, then the chord, "you mean I can do that?, what if I do it wrong?"
yes, you can do that, and you wont get it wrong, Ill show you where.. come..."
nervously, I moved down to where the Dr was holding the surgical scissors, putting my hand into the handle, Doc positioned the instruments in the right place, "just there Jon..." I pressed the metal blades together and severed the tie that our daughter had with D, then I was handed the most perfect bundle of life ever, our daughter. Moving back near to D, I sat and showed our daughter to her as I placed her in her mothers arms.
"Doc called over, "she's perfect, her weight is good too, 8lb 10oz.... Congratulations both..." on that last word Doc and the guys left us alone to celebrate the arrival of our beautiful baby girl.... nothing else mattered n the world right now, other than the two precious girls by my side, the unconditional love I felt for D and my daughter was overwhelming and  I couldn't help feeling self satisfied and full of joy.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Chapter 59

Back in my room, I was doubly pissed now... how the fuck could I tell D that I was appearing in court on our babies due date.... I stared out the window planning my best plan of action and decided to just out with the truth. All I could do was have my ma on stand by for the baby's arrival just in case, and I prayed my appearance in court would not be too long.

my mind was so focused on how I was gonna tell D, I did not here my Doc come in. "Good Afternoon Jon, Terri tells me you want to see me?"
I jumped as she spoke, then collected my myself and focused on what I wanted to say to her.
"yeah, I did, I do..."
"so go head, although I have some idea what this could be about."
She stood leaning with her back against the wall.
For the first time in forever I stood to address her, perching my butt on the window ledge, it made me feel not so intimidated as when I was sat down.
"thing is Doc, I've been speaking to my wife, and well she is so close to giving birth, keeping her calm right now is the most important thing to me." I paused waiting for her reply, she looked on but said nothing still clutching the clip board she carried tight to her chest. "but, and that's the thing see, she aint calm, she's stressed, know why?"
Still doc said nothing, and now I was getting more pissed by the second, my Italian temper, that I had managed to keep in check so far, now took hold as I spat my last few words, "as your not saying anything I'll fucking tell you, its because of you. You have told my wife that there is not way on earth I will be home for my babies arrival?, where the fuck do you get off telling my wife that?, if it is anyone's job that's mine. You have broken the professional code of conduct for Dr's here and now I ant a fucking good reason why you've done that."

Doc finally moved, and stood just close to the end of the bed, she placed her clip board on the bed table, then leaning forward she spoke.
"Jon." catching my stink eye, she started again. "Mr Bongiovi, your wife came to see me a week ago, she wanted my professional opinion on you attending and being present at the birth, she told me despite your promises she was worried not just for herself and the baby, but for you and your immune system and your overall fitness. I broke no professional conduct as I was addressing concerns of your next of kin."
"Right and that means you tell her I wont be fucking fit enough to be there does it?"
"Mr Bongiovi, you have increased your fitness level and worked hard to achieve all you have, but your body is really only 80% fixed at this time. Your immunity levels are low and you stand a huge risk to everyone right now if you ignore my advice, you will find yourself back in hospital and set your recovery back 50%, If I did not advise you of what you could face, well then as you say I would be neglectful of doing my job."
I was in full flow and carried on, "but babies are born in sterile units right?"
"Yes, but germs are still present, its those germs that you being exposed too makes you so vulnerable."
"So what's the difference between being here and going from room to re- hab than being in the birthing unit?"
"Its simple, you are not being taken outside first Mr Bongiovi, you are within the hospital confines."
"so your telling me I cannot be at my child's birth?"
"no not at all Mr Bongiovi, if you wish to jeopardise your recovery, then you must do as you see fit."
"Look, can't I take extra vitamins to help me fight these bugs and germs?"
"there's nothing more we can give, you are taking the highest dose possible right now of your vitamins, the issue as I keep saying is your weakened immune system."
She paused waiting for my next onslaught, but I think at last it was now sinking in to my thick skin. when I did speak this time it was about my subpoena and appearing in court.
"There is no way you can attend at this time, with your immune system it could be fatal, if you have the order I will contact the police and the courts and advise them that you will not be attending court." I handed the Doc the documents.
I felt bad that I had now let my temper get the better of me, and bad that I had spoken to the Doc in the way I did, but my Italian pride would not bend to let me apologise, so I mumbled a very meek thanks instead.
Back sitting on the bed, I sat again as I started staring out of the window thinking on my next course of action and now that I had to back track on D giving birth to our baby and that I was gonna miss the special event.

Monday 9 November 2015

Chapter 58

I slept thinking on what Doc had told D, I was pissed and angry, so when Terri brought in my food tray I asked her to speak to the Doc and ask her to come see me. She looked at me as if she was gonna say something then thought better of it and just confirmed my request. I sat and ate my oatmeal in silence, even though I had the TV set switched on it was nothing but noise in the back ground.

When Terri returned to remove my tray I was already half way to the bathroom to get ready for gym.
"Hey, Jon, you know your suppose to wait for me or one of us to be with you in case you fall?"
I gave her the stink eye but stayed quiet.  she caught my look and replied vocally... "Erm excuse me, could we change the attitude please, I was just saying... man what is with you today?"
This time I had to speak, "Leave it Terri, ok, its not you... I'm just pissed"
"Yeah, I get that, but who or what has frosted your cookies now? what' gives?"
"Nothing, its not you, I'm taking it out on the wrong person...." It'll be good, what time did Doc say she would call to see me?"
"She didn't "
Again my temper reared its head, again directed at the wrong person.
"Great, being avoided again, I suppose I'm low on her priority list now I'm near all fixed right?".
"hey not fair Jon, Doc has more patients than you bud? your not the only one here recovering from a serious illness..."
"Yeah, I get that Terri,  but neither does doc have the right to screw with my family." 
Terri looked at me, "what she done?" 
I raised my hand, I wasn't gonna talk to Terri about what my issue was, so stayed quiet and went into the bathroom, I shut the door as I stripped off my night clothes and started the shower, letting the water run to warm up I brushed and flossed my teeth, then stepped into the shower and allowed the warm water to cascade over my tense muscles. I stood trying to relax until the water ran cool. Turning the faucet off I stepped out onto the mat and dried myself off. The chair to the left held my gym kit for the day.

All dressed I opened the door allowing the scented steam to enter the bed area and evaporate as it hit the cold air. Terri was waiting for me. She stood and followed behind as I made for the door. Waiting silently was my nemesis the chair. Terri snook in behind and placed her hands on the handles waiting for me to sit so she could wheel me to the gym. 
I looked at the chair then Terri. I knew what I had to do to prove myself ready to go home in time for when our baby was born." I'm walking this morning" I turned my back and took small steps waiting for Terri to catch up, when she did to my surprise she said nothing.

It took longer than normal, but we made it, and I was still feeling pretty good. Terri went over to my trainer for the day Calum, I knew she was letting him know about firstly walking and second my bad mood.
Calum and Terri both walked over to me together. Calum spoke first. "So Jon, Terri here tells me you walked to gym this morning?"
I shook my head, and again with attitude added... "yeah, what of it?"
he looked taken aback, and looked at Terri who gave him the I told you so look. "What's with the attitude, what we do?"
It seemed in my minds eye until I had spoken to Doc, everyone was fair game for my dark mood. It was already proving it was gonna be a real long day.
Calum went to speak again, just as his attention was caught and he was called away to the receptionist waiting at the door with two men. When he returned, he addressed me directly. " Jon it seems there are two police officers over there wanting to talk with you."
I looked to the door way as Calum spoke. I could see the two officers waiting for me, they were both dressed in suits, and I had a good idea why they were standing there.

The trial with my old manager and the Doc that had put me in here was current headline news, and things were wrapping up and they were looking for me to give evidence. I knew this day was coming, but did it have to be today for fucks sake.

Slowly I walked over to where they were both standing.
the taller, grey haired cop spoke first. " Mr Bongiovi, Sorry to bother you sir, but there are some questions we need to ask, is there somewhere private we could go to talk?"
Calum was behind and offered his office, then led the way, with us following.

I sat on the side of the desk that Calum used, my eye's looked down drawn to the paperwork laying on the desk in front of me. It was my report and details of my progress.
Trying to focus on the officers, I looked up and closed the report and moved it to the side, then addressing the men sat opposite me I asked...
"So what can I do for you?"
Again the grey haired cop spoke, "Thank you for taking time out to speak with us, we know your still fighting to get your health back on track," they then looked at one then the other before they continued.
"The reason for our visit is to ask a question that relates directly to you regarding Manning, your Doc that was on tour with you."
"Manning say's you asked him to source the steroids and drugs he prescribed after another Doc had left your services, he tells that you fought him to get the drugs, despite his advise telling you not to take them due to the health implications, is this correct?"
In a flash it became clear that, Doc and manning were trying to shift the blame.

"what?, please tell me you guys are not serious?" I spat my reply, not bothered that I was being and looked like a total ass,
"Manning was employed by Doc McGee to look after me, the only thing I was guilty of was trusting my manager, so in reply to your question, No officers I did not ask him to get the drugs that he pumped into my body" on a roll I continued, " night after night, and let me quote exactly what my manager said to me, on the one occasion my voice was totally shot?"
"Jonny, if you wanna make it big and run with the big dogs, stop whining and pissing like a puppy... he instigated the whole thing, and between them they got me working constant even though my vocals chords were raw and shot, so here's a suggestion, Why don't you speak with the guys in the band too, cause fact is, Richie, my best friend and guitarist, gave me one of his kidneys so I could survive? you think if I'd been responsible for the drugs he would have done that?" I answered my own question, "no course he wouldn't... " I stood as I continued, " now if there is nothing else, I need to get back to my workout..."
I knew I was being a jack ass, but now as well as my Dr,  I was even more  pissed that Doc and Manning were lying trying to cover there own tracks, and secondly I was pissed the allegations were being taken seriously and I was being questioned.
I moved to the door to open it, as the officers got up, reaching the door and stood next to me, they dropped the bombshell.
"Thank you for your time Mr Bongiovi, but we are not fully done sir, there is one more thing, you need to know,  sir, you are being called to take the stand and give evidence." he waved the envelope near to my face as he spoke his final sentence before leaving. " but, Thank you for your time and good day"
as he passed by me and headed with the other officer to the exit, he handed me the subpoena, as I opened it and read,  my heart sank,  the day I was due in court to give evidence was on the day that D was looking to give birth to our daughter.

Friday 9 October 2015

Chapter 57

Thursday 5th April, I checked the calendar sat next to me D day was approaching and fast. I counted down the days to the proposed boom day, then took ten days off first one way and added ten days in the other.
Id been working real hard at getting myself fit for babies arrival, but as far as I went forward, Doc knocked me back. "We need you fit psychically and mentally and for your immune system to be fighting fit too, when baby arrives your gonna be subjected to all sorts of germs and the like."
Each time I gave her the same reply. "I'll be ready." annoyingly each time she just smiled and said nothing.
My trainer and physio pushed me hard. I was working so hard now, at the end of the sessions my muscles hurt like a bitch and I had to have rub downs and massages to stop my muscles cramping. I was drinking electrolyte replacement drinks too. The question, did I feel any better, or ready for my first babies arrival, No, fucking way, and honestly I was shitting myself. At night now instead of thinking and dreaming positive thoughts about becoming a pop, I was having nightmares, with the same one recurring plenty.

When D visited, her bump always looked like it had grown ten fold from her last visit, scary as that was only two days previous. My eye's automatically drawn to her belly yesterday when she walked in.
"What? am I that big now, you only see my belly, not me?" I quickly looked away and tried making light that baby was making his mark. As she sat next to me, with her hand resting on the bump, tears filled her eye's as she let her feelings flow out.
"you got that right, when baby's born my skin is gonna look like an old sack, and you'll not want me anymore?"
I took her hand in mine, "hey where's all this coming from?" through misty eye's, she looked at me, "I don't know, but everytime I look at myself in the mirror I see this fat blob, with over stretched skin, and, well I'm kinda scared... what if my skin don't go back, what if I'm left with lots of loose skin? huh? then what?"
"D, hunni, your having a baby?, and stop with this nonsense ok?, your beautiful and I love you... stop this worrying, your gonna be fine you'll see..."
She was down as she replied, "I hope your right?, but if I'm left with trailing skin 2 miles long following behind my butt, don't forget I told you so..."
"Look, if the very worse happens I'll still love you, your my wife and mommy to our lil one in here?" I patted her stomach. "So stop already... your are beautiful..." I reached over and kissed her lips...
A weak smile spread across her ruby read glowing lips, truthfully, D looked the mother of perfect health and she was glowing, and mother hood definitely agreed with her. While I was studying her she started again... "what?, what's with you now, why you looking at me all funny like that?"
"I aint looking at you funny, I just thinking how beautiful you are"
"Yeah right, if being a whale is beautiful, I'm your gal..."
"D, stop, you are beautiful....what's with you? your normally the voice of reason, I'm usually the ass.."
I chose the wrong words on the wrong day... "oh so I'm an ass now am I?, I'm feeling pretty low about myself, but I'm an ass... well thanks a heap Jon..."
she stood and walked over to the window and turned her back to me.
"Baby, listen that's not what I meant, and you know it. all's I meant was I'm the one that normally acts like a jack ass, your always my voice of reason, and your acting so out of character today, that's all... I'd never call you an ass..." I tried making light of it, "Well not to your face anyway, you'd kick my butt so hard I'd be in china before I knew it...."
She turned round to look at me, another weak smile on her lips... her face was still troubled, I patted the bed next to me and asked her to sit.
she moved over and sat, with her hand resting on the baby bump, she looked at me the same tears were still glistening in her eye's...
"Oh baby, what is it?"
"I'm scared Jon, really scared...your in here, I'm at home alone, its getting nearer and nearer, and still there's no talk of you coming home.... an well, I don't think I can cope alone..."
"your not gonna have to cope alone , I'm working real hard and I will be home for you and our new arrival, I promise.... I wont let you down.."
"Please Jon, don't make promises you can't keep... I spoke to your Dr before I came in today, she tells me that she don't think your immune system will be ready to cope...."
"yeah, she says, your are now physically ready, but your body internally aint... she thinks it will be another few months yet... what am I gonna do?"
big sobs came as she let it all out... I sat stunned by what I heard, then I took control. taking D hand in mine I spoke, "Listen to me, the Dr knows her stuff right, but I know my body better than anyone, and I'm telling you baby, and promising you I will be ready and there for you both.... no questions... ok?"
through her tears she smiled, more this time like the D I knew... she squeezed my hand and looked deep into my eye's, "god I do hope so, I cant do this without you..." as she laid her head onto my shoulder my next fight was with my Doc, then myself to get ready for our new arrival, no more worrying, it was time to stand up and be counted... I was gonna be a pop....and I had to be there from the start no matter what.